Fun with Food!

Oh what memories I brought back when I decided to make homemade play dough!  The smell, especially reminded me of my childhood.  Homemade playdough has a smell unlike store bought Playdoh and you could actually eat it if one felt the urge to do so.  If that’s the case, maybe I can find you a recipe for homemade glue too!

This is the recipe I used.

1 cup flour
1 cup H20
1/4 cup salt
2 tsp cream of tarter
1 tsp oil
and food coloring of your choice.

Mix together the above and heat over medium heat until it comes together.  Dump out onto wax paper or something and knead it together for a bit.  Let it cool.   Or give it to the kids hot…..
I personally like playing with it hot, but I like things hot….and this makes a super soft, pliable dough.

Jenna giving the little girl a dough cut, when she badly needs a hair cut herself!!!IMG_1456


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