A scone and tea at half past 3, makes the day a little brighter…

So I tried something new today.

I baked a tasty treat that called for 3 whole vanilla beans. Yeah, exciting…I know. :P

I have seen it done but never attempted anything with real true fresh from the bean itself VANILLA. I do love myself some vanilla bean ice cream. I didn’t make ice cream. Sorry.

Anyways, I attempted a rather involved (even though the degree of difficulty was considered EASY) it was a bit more involved then I like to usually do AND it involved cutting in butter/making a dough. I stay far away from any recipes that tell me I need to make a pie crust or roll out dough. I would normally buy a premade crust at that point. I just don’t have the patience…usually. I get frustrated with the many problems dough can give you.

Though today, I did not give up when the dough had me worried. I added a little more heavy cream and it was much much better.

My Godson Jacob got me a Pioneer Women Cookbook for Christmas and I record her cooking shows and breeze through the episode at a later date, usually pinning any recipes I find looking mighty tasty to Pinterest. I had seen this recipe a few weeks ago and couldn’t get those darn vanilla beans out of my mind.

Having some time to kill the other day while in Brookfield I stopped over to Penzeys…a favorite store of mine and purchase 3 vanilla beans. Yup, only 3 in a jar. Not cheap let me tell you. My friends and family are soooo worth it!

Enough chit chat. Here’s the recipe:Vanilla Bean Scones

Some pics of my progress too!  Not to shabby.  Dang Girl!


Believe me with a little of the vanilla bean glaze they are mighty tasty.  They smelled tantalizing while baking too.  With all that butter and vanillaly goodness why wouldn’t they?  Not as dense as the ones at Starbucks but very good still. 

Tea anyone?


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