Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, it has been a week and 1 day since I turned 31! Yikes. Well, I feel quite old and all, but I think I have alot to show for my 31 years here on Earth! I have been blessed with a wonderful family, and the best of friends. Have 2 little sweet hearts and married a man I love to be with! I have a good job, nice home....basically thats all I ever asked for...ever really needed. I always knew that I didnt need to be rich (but that would have been nice!), just that I wanted to be happy and live comfortably...and so far I think I have done just that. Life has its ups and downs (last year being a big down), but for the most part I am very happy, mostly because of all the great people in my life!

Anyways, for my big 31, I had to work...boo hoo...but afterward, James, Jadyn, Jenna and my Mom all went to Spinnakers in Oconomowoc for dinner. It was very good! It was the perfect nite to sit outside!(something I just LOVE to do in the Summer!!!) Strolled on the beach for a little afterward...James got me the Wii and Wii Fit! ( I have a feeling he will get more use out of it then me!)

Jadyn likes the Wii....so much that we have had to punish her by taking the Wii away!!! Ha! Ha! I get really into it....the other nite James and I were playing tennis and well there I am swinging away, sweating (need another shower) and I smack the entertainment center! Good thing the controllers have padding around them!!!


  1. Go Jenny, it's your birthday! Happy birthday, Jen! You HAVE accomplished a lot in your 31 years - and now you can add starting a blog to the list of things you've done!


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