Camping in the Backyard!

Ever since Jadyn and I watched the kids on Jon & Kate + 8, go camping in their backyard, she has been asking Daddy if we could do this. Well, the summer just flew by and available weekends are getting scare, so Daddy set up the tent Saturday. Jadyn was way excited! We sat by the fire and toasted marshmellows, made smores, swung on the swings in the dark, went on adventures(we had the LawnMower Moster chasing us)! Finally at 1030, they headed for bed in the tent. By only the lite of her little latern and princess flashlite, Daddy read her a book and they went to sleep. I guess Jadyn just kept talking and talking until Daddy told her to zip it! Jadyn slept decent on her princess blow up mattress/sleeping bag...Daddy not so well. Since we had not used our air mattress in like 5 years, the batteries had corroded in it and well it was garbage. Poor Daddy slept on the hard ground, heard the band playing in the distance from the Ixonia Town and Country days until 1245, and his shoulders went numb! But they prevailed until 620 am Sunday morning - where Daddy came up and went to bed and Jadyn watched cartoons with Mommy and Jenna. What a nice Daddy to do such things for his girl!


  1. Looks like lots of fun (for Jadyn!)! Way to go, Daddy!


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