Getting Crafty

I had seen this quote awhile back and I decided to print it out and frame it.   Since my Dad died back in 2008, and I miss him tremendously, this Eskimo proverb, was so very appropriate.  And what a nice thought it is.

Now that my "Better than Geek Squad" (BTGS) brother Jeff, fixed my printer and it DOES work, I can print out bowling stat sheets (I am secretary of the Sunday Funday league..did you know that!) as well as decent looking other "stuff." 

I made one a few months back , but just today made it even better.  I am keeping the one for myself and giving the other away for a gift for a cousin-in-law that just lost her Mom. 

That is not all I did today.  While "watching" Dora the Explorer this morning, I found this print that I think was for sale on etsy.  But I thought, I can do this!  So I tried.  Maybe its not as nice, but I like how it turned out.  It would look really nice if I took a picture without the glass and glare but I think you get the picture.  Plus you get to see a glimpse of me in the glass.    

And bet you didn't know what James' middle name was til now!


  1. I about died laughing when I read James' middle name! In a good way!

  2. How ironic; every year my family gives a "Ryan gift" in memory of my brother that passed in 1993. I got everyone in my family a block of wood with that quote on it for this year's gift. Good find!

  3. 1. James' middle name? Too funny!
    2. LOVE the framed quote in honor of your dad!
    3. I had made the "What a Difference a Day Makes" print for Jim for our anniversary this last summer!


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