Saturday - October 10, 2010 Team Jenna The one we stride for....Jenna Wow, we could not have asked for a better day! 100x better then last years weather! Made the 5 mile walk much more bearable! This year Team Jenna consisted of Jenna, Jadyn, James, my Mom, Shelly, Jake, Joyce, Kim and myself. (Becky and Jim were part of our team but something came up last minute) As a team we raised $1080.00 for CHW! Its a bit down from last year, but we had a few less people on our team, plus I noticed (others did too) that many people donated less this year. (I wonder why!?!?) We made our usual stop at Dunkin' Donuts along the way....and I am sad to say that in doing so we once again were being chased by the street sweepers and cop cars! Next year I think we will need to bring donuts with us! We were done around 1230/1245 and let the girls play at the playground for awhile (which was nice cause there were barely any kids there!) After leaving...