
Showing posts from 2010

Monkey See Monkey Do

This is what our house is always like!  Makes for lots of laughs!

I am back!

Its been a long time, but since my computer has been giving me some major problems I really didnt feel like doing much computing other than checking my email every so often.  After speaking with BTGS (Better Than Geek Squad - aka my brothers)  it was thought that I was due for a new computer anyways.  Jeff did a little searching for a new laptop and I finally have it to use!  I even went wireless baby!  OMG!  I am soooo with it.  So, here I sit...on the couch laptop on my lap (no really?!?!?) and James is watching Wild Justice(???) on the tv....and LIFE IS GOOD.  Oh and we also did the annual Breakfast with Santa at the Pfister hotel this morning.  It was very nice as always!  Jenna did NOT like Santa...but I do recall Jadyn at the same age freaking out as well!  Afterward we all headed over to Jim and Nicole's for Brooke's 12th Birthday Party!!  (That is where I picked up my new laptop!

Me and My Brothers!


Al's Run & Walk for CHW

Saturday - October 10, 2010  Team Jenna The one we stride for....Jenna Wow, we could not have asked for a better day! 100x better then last years weather!  Made the 5 mile walk much more bearable! This year Team Jenna consisted of Jenna, Jadyn, James, my Mom, Shelly, Jake, Joyce, Kim and myself. (Becky and Jim were part of our team but something came up last minute) As a team we raised $1080.00 for CHW!  Its a bit down from last year, but we had a few less people on our team, plus I noticed (others did too) that many people donated less this year. (I wonder why!?!?) We made our usual stop at Dunkin' Donuts along the way....and I am sad to say that in doing so we once again were being chased by the street sweepers and cop cars!  Next year I think we will need to bring donuts with us!  We were done around 1230/1245 and let the girls play at the playground for awhile (which was nice cause there were barely any kids there!) After leaving...

Its been a while but whatever....

James and I left the girls with my Mom on Saturday(she took them to Joel's 17th birthday party) and kept them overnite.  We toured the state.  We drove across the state to Hwy 35 the Great River Road, along the Mississippi.  Well, now I can say I have seen the Mississippi....  We hit Perrot State Park in Trempealou and hiked for about 1 1/2 hours before hitting the road again.  The views were great atop the bluffs..overlooking the Mississippi..and the hiking was actually pretty hard both going up and going down.  We got up to the farmhouse at around 530...just enough time for James to go out and hunt...imagine that! After he returned, we had a late dinner at some supperclub and hit 2 bars til about 130.  The bed upnorth I slept sucky. I am tired.  And guess where he is now.  He was too tired to get up in the morning to hunt...I made the bed too cozey he said. (it was damn cold up there.....very very heavy frost!) So now ...
I was off of work the last 4 days...and really enjoyed my time too! On Thursday I spent the entire day with my Mom in the Brookfield, lunch (at Stir Fry)...etc.  Thanks Mom...I had a really nice day with you! Friday my Mom came over again and she planned on painting my dining room, but instead decided on Kohls, Menards, lunch at PineCone and then home to do some yard work.  My Mom bought us a burning bush for our yard for our Anniversary(because I had wanted one) and they were on sale at Steins....and the weather has been great lately for planting.  Oh, and yes....Jadyn was in school both days and yes I sent Jenna to school both days as well.  Saturday, all of us(the 4J's) took a ride to Madison for the Farmers Market.  We got caught in a bit of Badger traffic, but overall we got there with out much trouble.  Found a great parking space.  We purchased fingerling potatoes, a dozen ears of corn, Zestar apples (1/2 peck), Salsa Verde...

Jadyn's 1st Day of Kindergarten!

It is so hard to believe that summer is already over.  J heads back to FULL day school today.  I think she is both excited and a little scared.  She is mostly excited to see lots of her old friends she missed over the summer.  We dropped off all of her stuff at Open House yesterday and found her classroom and desk.    I always liked school and I really hope she likes it too!  (my feeling from 4K last year - she really didnt like it too much! Hopefully that changes!) Were did my baby go? She did not seem too nervous, so that was good.  She ended up getting home at like 4:10 and had tons of energy.  I thought for sure she would be pooped!  She never can seem to remember what they did that day, but she did say that they had 3 recesses!!! Both girls headed off to bed a bit earlier tonite then usual....and that's OK with me!

Happy Birthday To Me!

When I got home from work on Friday, I was completely surprised to see flowers in a box on my porch...couldn't imagine who they would be from!  They were from Jacob, my godson!  How nice. I made sure I called and thanked him!! They are gorgeous!  For my birthday we went to La Merenda for dinner (a tapas restaurant). We had been there before 2 years ago for our anniversary and enjoyed it so we decided to go back.(which is kinda against our date nite rules!!!)  I broke the rules when I took the picture of the two of us above, because it was at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts before the musical Wicked!  Got yelled at...but whatever! We had great seats, Row N Seats 9/10.  It was a great performance.   Interesting story of the witches before Dorothy came to OZ!  Saturday, my entire family 14 of us in all, went to the Brewers game.  We tailgated and had seats in Section 222.  It was awesome because the first h...

Movie Review

Well, after all the hype I finally sat down (with James - though he didn't want to, but he also said he watched the whole thing) and watched the movie 'Twilight.'  I guess I finally had to see what it was all about.  And I have to say that I actually liked it.  It was completely obvious to me why it has got young high school girls in a tizzy!  One of these nites I(dont know if he will) plan on watching the next one, 'New Moon' - I believe.  I borrowed both movies from a co-workers daughter!  (of course!) At first I thought the vampire dude, couldn't tell you his name - was pretty scary looking...all pale and creepy looking, but by the end of the movie - he wasn't looking so unappealing anymore!!  Must be something to do with him being the hero and stuff!! There were many parts that I thought were hilarious!  Like all the running - that looked so funny! The jumping from tree to tree.  OK and in what world woul...

Happy Birthday to you!

Today is my good friend, Shelly's Birthday! Enjoy your day!

Happy Anniversary!

Today is Becky and Jim's 9th Wedding Anniversary! Congrats!

Tomato Time!

Yes, I am excited to say that this tomato is from my garden!!  Oh how I love a fresh garden grown tomato!  Store ones don't even compare.  I think this one could use a few more days to fully ripen, but when I went looking at my garden tonite, I touched this one and it fell right off! Can't wait to have our fill BLT's and my all time favorite tomato sandwich: 2 pieces of fresh white bread ONLY - like Wonder Bread slathered with MAYO and slices of tomato! OMG! This is sooo good!

Baking Soda Baby

This happened some time this morning and I am still attempting to clean it all up.  Keep finding it everywhere!  Hey, I was tired and laying on the couch...wondering what Jenna was up to!

A Friday at Bay Beach

My 11 day vacation started today, Friday July 9th.  James didn't have to work either, so he had a wonderful idea to go up to Green Bay to the Bay Beach Amusement Park!  We all really enjoyed the time together! Jadyn and I went on the Ferris Wheel and Tilt a Whirl together and she also went on the Tilt a Whirl with Daddy !  She loves spinney type rides!  Fast ones too!    We even brought the girls swimsuits along (though we did not put Jenna's on her and her diaper swelled up because of that!!! I think it weighed more then she does!!!) Jenna really liked the water! James thought Jenna was feeling a bit left out because she so desperately wanted to go on a ride that James was putting Jadyn into, so we gave in and let Jenna try out a few rides!  She did great.  Only one she could not go on because she would not sit! Of course we took a train ride!  We had packed bags along in case we decided to get a hot...

Buffett 2010

Another year of fun was had by all this past Saturday at the Jimmy Buffett Concert at Alpine Valley.  Unlike the weather last year, this time it was hot!!  I am not complaining at all!  Drinks went down even better!   I was able to keep a nice steady buzz about the whole time and actually fell asleep for most of the ride home!  Something I don't like to do.  One of the best things to do at Buffett is to walk around and  people watch !  We were not let down.  It was definitely interesting!   He played the fan favorites of course, mine being, Come Monday.  I mentioned to James that the $9 beers looked good, he agreed so by the end of the concert we had shared 2!  Something else of a rarity for me!  Not the sharing part, the saying beer looks good and paying $18 for 2 beers!!! In attendance was Stephanie, Amy, Melissa, Derek, James and myself.  James and Derek both did a 4 person beer bong, where you had a ...


Well, I am excited to say I made my first sale on Saturday via Craig's List.  On my vaca a couple weeks ago I took pics and posted a few baby items on Craig's list.  I got interest from some chick regarding my Snugli Baby Carrier.  The chick didn't even try to haggle with the price.  I posted it for $20.  She came to pick it up on Saturday morning and was like "$25, right?"  My response "sure!"  SCORE!    After she left I quickly went and got the posting off of Craig's List!  I real kicker is that I know when I bought the thing when Jadyn was a baby, I bought it on clearance at Kmart for like 7 bucks!!! Oh and I also would like to say Happy 34th Birthday to my husband (June 16th) and Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers who read this blog!

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a busy Memorial Day weekend.  Well Friday we started out by hitting a local place called Sweetie Pies for fish.  It had been noted in the Journal awhile ago about how good the fish was.  We agreed. Saturday I took the girls grocery shopping and James went and got his tire(he had a flat on Tuesday nite) taken care of (thankfully the tire was surprisingly under warranty and it was replaced FREE!!) and then got his Dad's truck and got 1 1/2 yards of mulch.  Well, next year we will have to remember we only need 1 yard!  We ended up putting 2 1/2 wheel barrels in the back of our lot, cause we didnt know where to go with it all!  It was hot and hard work, but I am glad it is done.  I am guessing James is too, because now I can stop nagging him about it!  Don't worry, I will find something else!  That evening we drove out to Hwy 18 and 89 in Jefferson, to the Hwy 18 Drive-in and saw the newest Shrek movie!  Jadyn loved it! Jenna was a ...

Signs of Summer!

First push-up pops of the season!  To only be eaten outside!

Welcome Baby Alioto!

She's finally here! After a long and difficult labor, Stacy gave birth to my newest niece... Jorja Grace She was born at  4:49 pm on May 18th at St. Mary's. She weighed 9lbs 3oz and was 21" long. She has big hands and feet, Stacy's cleft chin and I have been told an Alioto nose!  And tons of dark hair!   A real cutie! Congratulations Stacy and Mike! 

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I am sooo excited!  Today I purchased 2 tickets for James and I to see Wicked on my birthday Friday August 6th!  I had wanted to see this musical so bad when it was in Chicago but for numerous reasons, it never worked out!  The tickets dont officially go on sale until Saturday but I used a special promo code and got my tickets today.   Sure it cost me a bit more( alot more ) then I would ever spend on a birthday (especially my 32nd one) but this is something special!  Originally since my b-day is on a Friday(and I dont work the weekend), I planned on going out and getting drunk or something, but hey I can do that anytime...right!?!?!  So instead we will have a nice dinner somewhere (if it was perfect...outdoor dining - another thing I like to do but rarely ever do) and then go to the musical!