Its been a while but whatever....

James and I left the girls with my Mom on Saturday(she took them to Joel's 17th birthday party) and kept them overnite.  We toured the state.  We drove across the state to Hwy 35 the Great River Road, along the Mississippi.  Well, now I can say I have seen the Mississippi....  We hit Perrot State Park in Trempealou and hiked for about 1 1/2 hours before hitting the road again.  The views were great atop the bluffs..overlooking the Mississippi..and the hiking was actually pretty hard both going up and going down.  We got up to the farmhouse at around 530...just enough time for James to go out and hunt...imagine that! After he returned, we had a late dinner at some supperclub and hit 2 bars til about 130.  The bed upnorth I slept sucky. I am tired.  And guess where he is now.  He was too tired to get up in the morning to hunt...I made the bed too cozey he said. (it was damn cold up there.....very very heavy frost!) So now he left us girls to hunt at his cousins in the area....oh well.  I had hoped for nice tree colors on our ride, but we really didnt see any until we were driving home  (the way we always go...guess we should have went up that way to begin with... would have saved up time and gas!)

All and all, it was nice to spend time alone with my husband.  Rarely, in my house of 3 girls do I get his attention anymore!!!  (and he mine!)


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