Jadyn's 1st Day of Kindergarten!

It is so hard to believe that summer is already over.  J heads back to FULL day school today.  I think she is both excited and a little scared.  She is mostly excited to see lots of her old friends she missed over the summer.  We dropped off all of her stuff at Open House yesterday and found her classroom and desk.    I always liked school and I really hope she likes it too!  (my feeling from 4K last year - she really didnt like it too much! Hopefully that changes!)

Were did my baby go?

She did not seem too nervous, so that was good.  She ended up getting home at like 4:10 and had tons of energy.  I thought for sure she would be pooped!  She never can seem to remember what they did that day, but she did say that they had 3 recesses!!!

Both girls headed off to bed a bit earlier tonite then usual....and that's OK with me!


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