Happy Birthday to Me!!

I am sooo excited!  Today I purchased 2 tickets for James and I to see Wicked on my birthday Friday August 6th!  I had wanted to see this musical so bad when it was in Chicago but for numerous reasons, it never worked out!  The tickets dont officially go on sale until Saturday but I used a special promo code and got my tickets today.   Sure it cost me a bit more( alot more ) then I would ever spend on a birthday (especially my 32nd one) but this is something special! 

Originally since my b-day is on a Friday(and I dont work the weekend), I planned on going out and getting drunk or something, but hey I can do that anytime...right!?!?! 

So instead we will have a nice dinner somewhere (if it was perfect...outdoor dining - another thing I like to do but rarely ever do) and then go to the musical! 


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