Team Jenna

Today we walked(Chris and Jim did run!) in Al's Run/Walk for Children's Hospital. It started out a very cold day(we had frost on the lawn and cars!) We bundled up the kids and headed for 12th and Wisconsin with Guy riding along with us. We dropped Guy and the stuff off at the drop off point and James, the girls, and I went to the Summerfest parking lot(quite a fiasco getting us there). From there we jumped on a school bus and found Guy, along with Kim, Becky, Jim, Chris and Joyce waiting for us. Shelly and Jake showed up shortly after that. I don't know what time we finally started walking, but at one point we realized we were in last place(meaning we were the last ones on the walk!!!!) Stopping at Dunkin' Donuts and getting a dozen didn't help with our slowness either! Well, come on...of course the last team has donuts along on the walk!

We got to the point were you had to choose 3 or 5 miles. All of us except for Becky, Shelly and Jake decided to take the 5 mile walk. All and all I don't think it was a bad walk. The sun was out, it didn't rain, it wasn't too windy! I was a bit stressed out in the beginning and end cause Jenna was not enjoying any of it! The part where she slept was the best! James and I carried her about the last 1 1/2 miles!

Overall, I think we had a good time. I know I enjoyed it and had good company to walk it with too! I am so amazed at what Team Jenna raised for Children's Hospital.

The top raisers of money on our team was 1: My Mom ($400) 2: Me ($375) 3. Joyce ($210) and our Grand Total raised was $1485!!!!!

I am so amazed that we raised that much money! Thanks so much to the generous people who donated both their time and money (the walkers on Team Jenna) and all the people who donated (even in these tough times)! It is so very much appreciated!

I look forward to walking again next year for a cause I never ever hoped to need, but now that Jenna needs them, I am ever so grateful to have!

Thanks Again!

Posted by Picasa(see above, Jenna doesn't look to happy!)


  1. Wow! The team DID raise a lot of money. However, when we were turning in our pledges, a woman in front of us turned in $10,000! We were embarassed to submit our pledges after that.

    Thanks for inviting us to walk/run along today! It's too bad it was so cold! Looking forward to next year's walk!


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