No Bake Cherry Cheesepie

I, once again, got another recipe via Pinterest that looked mighty good. Easy too.  It was called No Bake Raspberry-Lemon Cheesecake from the site


Well, by the time I got home from work I had concocted a slightly different version of the one I was gonna make.  Mine is more like the Jell-O No-Bake Cheesecake you can buy in the store. I figured Jimmy would love it….since he really really likes cherries and I have to admit loves the Jell-O No-Bake Cheesecake. (its not bad.)

So here it is:

For the crust:

1  1/2 cups of crushed graham crackers

3 tbsp. sugar

4 tbsp. melted butter.

Mix all together and press into bottom of a pie plate.

For the filling:

2/3 cup sugar

zest of 1 lemon along with juice of 1/2 lemon

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 tsp. vanilla extract

8 oz. Cool Whip

1 can of pie cherries

Mix all but the cherries together and put over the graham cracker crust.  Top with cherries and refrigerate for 2 or so hours

IMG_1636     IMG_1637

Mmm…looks good….will be good after the turkey leftovers…seen on the shelf next to the pie!  Most likely while watching Survivor!  Oh, yeah…looks like a good nite!


  1. Looks like something I can handle! As do most of the recipes you post. I think I like the cherry substitution as well. Is this becoming a cooking blog? We like to have some sort of yummy snack while watching Survivor too!


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