Jenna's Surgery at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

Jenna had her 2nd surgery on this past Wednesday.  The surgery allowed the Dr to explore the area and see what was really going on in there. (it is extremely hard to look in a baby's mouth when they are awake!)

Dr Denny said to expect the worse and hope for the best.  We thankfully got the best!  Only one side of her gums/palate needed to be repaired.  The front, back and left side of her palate are fine!  The right side would cause problems in the future if not fixed.  So she only has stiches on that side.

Because the surgery was not as extensive as first expected, she (we) also got to home the same day!  We were home around 415pm!

It was a rough evening and nite, but we did finally get a smile and laugs out of her!  That was good to see! 

Hardest part for her right now seems to be the sleeping.  She has to have the arm bands on 24/7 for 2 weeks.  But at 2 am Thursday morning when she woke up she wanted to she had Grahmn Cracker Mush and was happy after that...crawling and playing til about 315 when she went back to bed!

According to the Dr she will have another surgery in Nov/Dec 2010.


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