1st day of 4K!

Well, shes off! A bit nervous at first, but that didn't last long. Jadyn kept asking when the bus was going to come! (Not to mention we went outside to wait for the bus and take pictures at least 25 minutes before the bus was even scheduled to arrive!) I didn't even get a picture of her getting on the bus because she flew up those stairs and found a seat so fast!

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I didn't think I was going to feel sad, but I do, just a little. Especially when the bus was driving away. Where did my baby go? Where did the time go? But I am happy that I have raised a little girl that is happy and confident and is very ready for school.

I just hope she finds school as fun as I did. I hope she likes it!


  1. I'm sure Jadyn will love school! I hope that her first day went well!

  2. Adorable outfit selection for the first day!!! Love, Auntie Nicole


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