Happy Birthday Dear Jenna, Happy Birthday to You!

Hard for me to believe it has been 1 whole year since we welcomed little Jenna Danielle into the world!   Below are only a few pictures from her first year.  It was a busy year.  Full of doctor visits, playing with big sis and learning all kinds of new things! (alot from her big sis...I get such a kick out of watching the 2 of them interact!  Jenna just watches Jadyn so intently...and then copies her!)
  I hardly remember her having this "silly lip" as Jadyn would call it. 
A few pics of before and after surgery.Camping in the backyard and ballet.Snacks and playing with big sister Being Silly

Happy Birthday to my big little girl!  This past year went by so fast.  You have been so brave and been through alot for such a little girl.  You are such a joy to have around, you really make alot of people smile and laugh with all of your silly faces and sounds you make.  I am so glad that you are part of our family!  I love you sweetie pie!


  1. Happy birthday, Jenna! You've reached 1 year old way too fast!


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