
Well, the first day of school has come and gone. Jadyn went off to 3rd grade with only a few worries ("do you think I am gonna do good this year?"). Jenna, my baby, is also in 1/2 day 4K. And from what I can tell, she is liking it. Though, 1/2 days of "school" are very tiring. She did ask me the other day when would there be a day of no school...not ti
l the end of October baby, sorry. With the first day of school, working Labor Day weekend and my Mom being on her European vacation, I have had a lot of days off of work. Meaning, with Jenna is 1/2 day school, I have like 3 full hours of "me time!" I find it hard to not clean my house when I am alone, but I have made myself not take a whole 3 hours of cleaning...not yet at least. Most likely will happen when the weather gets cold. But not yet! Instead I have been doing stuff I like to do. (I like to clean though...so...) No really! I have been running, going to yoga, climbing the Lapham Peak Observation tower 10X at a crack and more running. I love having a little time for me and my latest craze. 3 hours isn't that much time but its nice to have that. Believe me, my exercise craze of late(I have always liked exercising) does not take me 3 hours. 1 hour MAX! I could also spend 3 hours easily at Target, but we all know how expensive that will get! When it gets a bit too cold outside to wanna do anything out there, I do have the option to volunteer in both girls classrooms. Try it once...but not going to dedicate all my off days to doing that! My house will probably need cleaning instead. The girls rooms, for sure!


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