A scone and tea at half past 3, makes the day a little brighter…
So I tried something new today. I baked a tasty treat that called for 3 whole vanilla beans. Yeah, exciting…I know. :P I have seen it done but never attempted anything with real true fresh from the bean itself VANILLA. I do love myself some vanilla bean ice cream. I didn’t make ice cream. Sorry. Anyways, I attempted a rather involved (even though the degree of difficulty was considered EASY) it was a bit more involved then I like to usually do AND it involved cutting in butter/making a dough. I stay far away from any recipes that tell me I need to make a pie crust or roll out dough. I would normally buy a premade crust at that point. I just don’t have the patience…usually. I get frustrated with the many problems dough can give you. Though today, I did not give up when the dough had me worried. I added a little more heavy cream and it was much much better. My Godson Jacob got me a Pioneer Women Cookbook for Christmas and I record her cooking shows and breeze through the episode at a lat...