Favorite Things : Sweet Almond Oil Sugar Scrub

I have to say that sugar scrubs are my newest favorite thing!  I got one from Bath and Body Works at Christmas time from my Godson, Jake. I also got a Burts Bee’s sugar scrub from St. Nick this year!  I LOVE them so much I started making my own once the other ones ran out!  I already had the oil and essential oils from a previous essential oil phase I went through(believe me I still love essential oils, but I am not so into making my own shampoos and stuff right now). 
You need a small plastic container to store the scrub once its made. I suggest plastic, because you will be using this in the bath room and it can get slippery and the last thing you would want is glass shards everywhere and a bare body and toes!
I really never measure the stuff before but I suggest the following:
Mix equal parts Sweet Almond Oil (any oil…even olive oil works but I not fond of the smell.) Almond oil is lighter and absorbs fast ) and regular everyday sugar.  Mix well.  If you have essential oils(my favorites include lavender and bergamot…mmmmm….bergamot) add drops of that to add nice fragrance.   Add more or less depending on how much you like it smell. 
How I use it is this ***I warn you now, the shower may get a little slippery–so be careful!  Though I have never had a problem – but I felt I should warn you jic!*** OK….After showering and shaving(yeah I shave in the shower…I do have shave cream but it prolly is like 5 years old!)  step out of the stream of water and stick your finger in the container to mix it up a bit, then take a handful and scrub it all over your body  or just places that need it.  I love it after I shower because it exfoliates AND moistures my newly shaven legs. You will notice the water beads up on your body.   When all done, rinse off in the shower.  When drying off be sure to pat dry…do not rub or you will rub all the nice oils off.  (if you do that…then what's the point!?!?)   If you seem to have a lot of oil and less sugar after using it awhile, add some more sugar. 
I absolutely LOVE this stuff.  I may just quit my day job and open a sugar scrub store. 


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